The Incredible Hulk is a 2008 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character the Hulk. It is directed by Louis Leterrier and stars Edward Norton as Dr. Bruce Banner. It is the second film to be released in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.Hulk (also known as The Hulk) is a 2003 American superhero film based on the fictional Marvel Comics character of the same name. Ang Lee directed the film, which stars Eric Bana as Dr. Bruce Banner, as well as Jennifer Connelly, Sam Elliott, Josh Lucas, and Nick Nolte.
Hulk (2003)
Hulk (2003) BluRay 720p 800Mb Mkv
Bruce Banner, a genetics researcher with a tragic past, suffers an
accident that causes him to transform into a raging green monster when
he gets angry.
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The Incredible Hulk (2008) BluRay 720p 800MB
Dr. Bruce Banner, thanks to a gamma ray experiment gone wrong, transforms into a giant green-skinned hulk whenever his pulse rate gets too high. Meanwhile, a soldier uses the same technology to become an evil version of the original.
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